Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Truth has power

Truth has power.  To some, this power is inspiring.  To others, this power is threatening.  Yet the power of truth is that whatever your reaction to it, you cannot change it.  Truth is not relative or responsive to our desires.

One truth that I have certainly wished would be responsive to my desires, but I am more and more finding myself inspired by, is the truth that my life is not about me.  I have been created and designed for a specific and purpose, and that purpose is to glorify God and to serve others.

Yeah, that was a struggle for me.  Because, on the one hand, I know my purpose in life.  Isn't that what we all want?  To have a purpose?  But on the other hand, it would be nice if my purpose could be about, well, me.  In my selfishness I want to be the center of my own life.

Yet there is the crux of the issue.  My life is not my own.  I was bought at a price (1 Cor. 6:20)  Because I recognize scripture as truth, I have to accept that my life is God's to do with as he pleases, and his good pleasure has shown me that my purpose is to glorify him and sacrifice myself for the sake of his creation.

But the funny thing is, when I finally stopped running from that (okay, sometimes I still run from it, but anyway...) I have found more joy and contentment in serving others than I ever did in serving myself.  I used to do gymnastics and I absolutely LOVED it.  I still love the sport and everything I learned from it.  But I never found the contentment in ten years of doing gymnastics that I find each day in fighting human trafficking, or bringing cookies to someone who is having a rough day, or seeing a child recognize how very much God loves them.

I think that society presses this idea onto us that in order to be happy, we have to search out things that are fun or exciting.  And this is not to say that fun things are bad, because I enjoy having fun as much as the next person.  But when I look at the building blocks of my life, my time and energy is not often spent on doing something "fun."  Most of my efforts are spent sacrificing and serving.  My life is not "fun."  But it is meaningful.  My actions have earthly and eternal effects.  And that is worth sacrificing for.  I am content with my life because I am fulfilling my purpose.  I am part of something greater than myself.  And that is powerful.

What truths have struck you lately with their power?  Is there a truth that you are running from because it threatens what you believe about yourself or the world?  If so, I'd love to hear about it, so feel free to message me or leave a comment below.

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